
 Typically after a massage, you may experience some of the following…

  •  Sleepiness due to the release of toxins encouraged by the treatment and the initiation of healing energies, which will require the body to rest.
  • Muscular ache and/or headaches as the nerve fibers respond to the work undertaken.
  • Dehydration of the body, it is recommended that you increase your intake of water for at least 2 days after the massage.
  • Heightened emotional state due to the positive release of deep-held feelings and emotions.
  • Frequent urination due to stimulation of the lymphatic system.
  • You may experience drowsiness and may fall asleep during the treatment, you may experience a change sleep patterns because your body clock may change.
  • All body systems including the digestive one have been stimulated and may even work better.
  • Bruising may occur – released toxins and hormones may surface through the skin, especially if you previously suppressed your skin condition.
  • These possible symptoms you may experience are absolutely normal and should subside around 12 hours. Please remember that each person reacts differently to their massage treatment so results may vary.
  • Muscular aches can last for up to a couple of days after the massage depending on the condition of the muscles in the first place (really stressed muscles will often take a couple of days to settle). When in doubt please see your doctor immediately. 

 Tips and Recommendations

 Drink plenty of water! Because massage increases the flow of blood around your body and will release any toxins, it is essential to increase your intake of water for at least a couple of days after your massage. Verify that your urine color is a light color or clear if not increase consumption of water.

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  • Rest – Allow your body to enjoy the benefits of your massage and take it easy for a couple of days especially if it has been a long time since your last massage or if your muscles were very stressed.
  • Make sure you stretch the muscles above and below the worked area to promote healing and circulation and to prevent muscles from tightening counteracting the massage session. If you received a full body massage perform major muscle group stretches.
  • Limit alcohol after the massage – it is recommended that you limit the amount of alcohol and caffeine after a massage as these will further dehydrate your body.
  • No workouts after a massage. It is best to get them in before your massage session.
  • Use Ice for no more than 20 minutes on sore or red areas. You may also try a soak in a warm bath with Epsom salt.
  • Book regular massages – especially if your therapist commented on the tightness/stressed nature of your muscles. Muscle soreness post-massage will be reduced the more regular massages are undertaken.
  • Always feel free to express what you are experiencing before, during, and after your massage sessions so that your massage therapist has the opportunity to fully address your concerns and needs.Follow Ultimate Serenity’s board Self Care Techniques on Pinterest.

Be Well,
